Contributing organizations
Our trusted partners who are making HONEXT® possible:

We are a team of professionals with expertise in many fields: engineering, material science, architecture, construction, manufacturing operations and financial.
Chief Executive Officer
Drive company’s strategy, reviews and challenges performance and goals.
Finance & Business Development Director
Lead strategic business development, finance strategy, funding, administration & legal.
Head of Sales & Marketing
Lead sales and relationships with distributors and industrial clients.
Engineering Manager
Lead production equipment improvements, manage maintenance engineering
Head of Intellectual Property, External
Manage, protect and empower the company’s IP portfolio.
Industrial Advisor, Board Member
Provide strategic advice in industrial expansion and production topics
Paper Industry Advisor, External
Provide advice in paper production, equipment and product development.
Want to collaborate? HONEXT® is made by engineers, paper mill professionals, architects, and individuals who care about our future.
Look for a distributor or manufacturer near you to buy HONEXT® boards. Find suppliers using our map search tool and be part of the change!
“This company is capitalized by INNVIERTE, AN INVESTMENT PROGRAM OF CDTI, E.P.E.”
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