Our boards are light and flexible adaptable to any design.

partition walls with Honext
Partition walls with Honext


HONEXT® boards that are resin-free, recyclable and circular certified.

HONEXT® Features

Certified circular by design,
it can be recycled after use.

Group 12Created with Sketch.

Low-emissions, certified for material health, safe for humans and the planet.

Group 7Created with Sketch.

Flame-retardant and non-toxic, with no formaldehyde nor VOCs added.

Can be cut, glued, drilled, laminated, and texturised.

Group 2Created with Sketch.

Sound absorbent.

Group 11Created with Sketch.

Lightweight and flexible for complex design work.

Breathable, regulates indoor humidity.

Group 60Created with Sketch.

Low thermal conductivity.

Find out how to work with HONEXT® boards for partition walls.

Partition walls with Honext

A truly sustainable alternative. Be part of the change.​

Partition walls with Honext

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Let us know how we can assist you.

Look for a distributor or manufacturer near you to buy HONEXT®  boards. Find suppliers using our map search tool and be part of the change!


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